Good Vibes Activated Charcoal Deep Cleansing Face Scrub

Brand: Good Vibes

Size: 50gm



Why is this good for you? Good Vibes Charcoal Scrub draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface of the skin. Every time you apply this scrub expect to get nothing but clear skin. It also helps in fighting whiteheads, blackheads and acne scars. Traditionally charcoal is known to be the "ultimate cleanser" and helps control sebum production on your face. Thanks to charcoal, you can now prevent acne in style. It also helps in exfoliation and shrinks the appearance of pores. Crafted with passion, skill, fresh ingredients and skin expertise, to thoroughly yet gently exfoliate your skin. After all in life, all you ever need is love, freshness on your skin and Good Vibes!    

Gently splash some water on your face. Scoop out the desired amount of the Good Vibes Deep Cleansing Face Scrub. Gently massage it on cleansed face in circular motion. Rinse with warm water.    


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