Party Queen Fixing Spray

Brand: Party Queen

Size: 60ml

৳320.00 ৳450.00



Party Queen innovative mist is a handbag must have - refreshing and enhancing the longevity of your make up,

so you remain flawless from morning ' til bedtime. You' ll no longer have to re-do your make up in the ladies' loos come 4pm.

It' s ideal for anyone with combination/oily skin.


1. Re-establish equilibrium and provide antioxidant protection

2. Soothe and revitalise your complexion throughout the day

3. To prevent make up slipping as the weather gets warmer - extending product wear and,

when sprayed over your base, imparting a beautiful soft-focus finish.

  1. mineral, water, glycerin, butanediol, hamamelis virimana(witch hazel)extract.  

1. Simply spray over your face as the last step in your make up routine and it will keep everything looking as fresh

and immaculate as when you applied it, eight hours later.

2. Just spritz this Makeup Fixing Mist under or over your 'made up' face, to set foundation and eyeshadow

and eliminate the likelihood of your painstakingly-applied product melting, migrating or settling into fine lines and creases.


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